Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Nobody Likes a Twatwaffle, aka, Be a Decent Person

That's right, even when you think nobody else is watching, you should ALWAYS strive to be a better person. Because lets face it; nobody likes a twat waffle. And if you don't know what said-twat waffle is, you PROBABLY shouldn't be reading my blog. 
Now, just to clarify a few things, we are going to start off with some pretty basic definitions that most of us learned before kindergarten.
The state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person's friendship.
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: "Who goes there? Friend or foe?"
 twatwaffle (twat-wah-full):
1. An elitist; someone unaware of their own limitations and highly critical of others.
2. The idiot that gets on your last damn nerve. The person you know that suffers from excessive verbal diarrhea. The one you want to smack in the face with a pick-axe. The person who has done it all and done it better than you.
3. Complete idiot that mere idiot, dumbass, or imbecile can not adequately describe.; however, to earn the title of twatwaffle, one must also attempt to assert authority/expertise where none is had, or use power/authority when they are offended by things that most people find humorous, and then use that authority to get the "offenders," in trouble and the "offending material" removed. 
There are times in life when the definition gets muddied and isn't as black and white as maybe it should be. Then there are times in life when one 'friend' is more vested in said-friendship than their counterpart. An example, one party would walk through hell and high water for those that they consider a friend. The other party of this example friendship scenario isn't vested. And while they may say they are, when asked point-blank, they come up short.
So where does this leave the friend who has dedicated literally YEARS to this friendship? Do they walk away whilst wiping the egg from their face? Do they confront the other party? After all, they may feel as though they deserve an explanation. The answer is this; you hold your head high and your shoulders back and while you might want to buckle from the weight of this defining moment, you don't. Because you're better than that.
"But what makes me better than telling that twatwaffling-thunder-cunt what a shit friend she is?" Well, my pretties... God doesn't like ugly. He also doesn't like when religious fanatics interpret bits and pieces of the Bible to fit their current scenario. Yeah...how you like them apples? <----intentional Adam and Eve pun in case you fuckers missed it. Another reason you don't tell said-person what a piece of shit they are is this; don't drink poison and wait for your foe to die. When people carry stress, anger, grudges, etc... they are hurting themselves and then asking said-person, "yeah, how does it feel??". Uhh, hello dumbass, they feel just fucking fine and maybe even MORE justified in their shit-behavior due to your showing your entire ass. *inserts jackass noises here* 
My point in all of my late-night word vomit OTHER THAN defining twatwaffle to some of you is this: you have one life to live in this fucked up place we call home. Only surround yourself with people that have a positive influence on you. Don't hold onto grudges; they are like a sack of rocks tied around your neck continually dragging you down. Let it go, cut the fucking rope. Treat people how you would want to be treated...better yet, treat them how you would want your mother or grandmother treated. Some of us are some self-loathing fucks and don't care how we are treated. But that's another blog post for another day. Just be a decent fucking person, regardless if you have an audience or not. That, my pretties, is called integrity. Let me know if you need me to define that one to you as well. I'm sure I'll find some kind of colorful definition to pacify all of y'all. 
Now, while I'm still wide awake at what I can only guess is a stomach bug, it's time for y'all to close your eyes and dream sweet. Tomorrow will bring a new day and another opportunity for us to get it right.